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10 minuta

Turski Dobri crispy savoury keks

Turski Dobri crispy savoury keks


1 zlıcıca praska za pecıvo
2 zlıce ocat
100 ml jogurt
100 gr maslaca
2 zutanjka
1.5 zlıce seker
1 zlıcıca solı
100 ml ulje
1 zlıca mahaleb



Throw everything in the mixing bowl except flour, mix and add small amounts of flour while mixing until it becomes a little bit harder than earlobe (common practice in turkey). this may be a new concept, just lightly squeeze your earlobe, the dough needs to feel just a bit harder and not sticky.

next, take pieces size of walnuts from dough and roll them and form a circle. dont make them too thick.

cover them with egg white and and sprinkle white&black sesame seeds

bake for 15-20 min at 190deg.

serve cold and enjoy with a cup of tea.


''Also known as Mahlab, Mahaleb, Mahleppi, Mahlebi. Mahleb is an ancient spice that is used principally in the Middle East, Greece and Turkey. The aroma is nutty with a hint of almond and cherry. It is used in breads and pastries. Also is an excellent flavoring for sweetmeats. Mahleb combines well with anise, cinnamon, cloves, nigella and nutmeg.''

Ovo sam ja proguglala  😉 u svakom slučaju fin i jednostavan recept, mada biće izazov pronaći ovaj začin. baš me zanima kakvu aromu daje jelima...

Znaci brasna po potrebi, u turskoj imaju taj izraz malo tvdje od uske. Znaci popipati svoju usku(tamo di je nausnica inace) I onda dodati malo brasna toliko da bude tvrdje od uske 😁 Smijesno kad mi nemamo taj pojam. Seker je secer, a mahaleb nisam sigurna 100% ali to je neki prah I mislim da dolazi od orhideje (trebam proguglat malo).

where's flour? also, not sure what mahaleb and seker are. thanks.

Kako je tebi ispao recept?

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