We stared at the sun,
And we made a promise,
A promise this world,
Would never blind us...
And these were our words,
Our words were our songs,
Our songs are our prayers,
These prayers keep me strong,
And I still believe…
Like the roses need the rain,
Like the seasons need to change,
Like the poets need the pain,
I need...
Bon Jovi
We stared at the sun,
And we made a promise,
A promise this world,
Would never blind us...
And these were our words,
Our words were our songs,
Our songs are our prayers,
These prayers keep me strong,
And I still believe…
Like the roses need the rain,
Like the seasons need to change,
Like the poets need the pain,
I need...
Bon Jovi
Žumanca pjenasto izlupati sa šećerom, postepeno dodavati preostale sastojke, izniješati, i zadnje kuhačom lagano umiješati snijeg.
Pola smjese uliti u dublji lim za pečenje premazan maslacem i posut grisom (ili krušnim mrvicama). Stavi peći u zagrijanu pećnicu na 190 stupnjeva oko 8-9 minuta.
U međuvremenu pripremiti nadjev – pomiješati mak sa šećerom i Medolino pahuljicama, po želji dodati malo cimeta, i preliti vrelim mlijekom. Žustro izmiješati.
Premazati nadjev na lagano pečenom tijestu, preliti ostatkom biskvitne smjese. Vratiti u pećnicu i peći još oko 25-30 minuta.